Arogya Mitra Foundation | A Friend in your Healthcare needs


Mission of ArogyaMitra Foundation

The mission of the ArogyaMitra Foundation healthcare NGO is to look forward to spreading our work in various cities across Maharashtra and empowering the maximum Rural population to access healthcare. The healthcare NGO also works towards strengthening the existing healthcare infrastructure in India so that it can better meet the needs of the people.

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ArogyaMitra Foundation, a poineer Healthcare NGO in India

There are many healthcare NGO in India that are striving to improve the quality of healthcare in the country. Our organization is working hard to provide better access to healthcare, improve the quality of care, and make healthcare more affordable for all Indians.
We seeks to improve the quality of healthcare services in India by working with private sector partners.

We also works to improve access to essential medicines and vaccines for communities in need.
If you are interested in supporting our work, you can donate to our cause or volunteers our time and skills.

ArogyaMitra Foundation a reputed Healthcare NGO in India

The healthcare NGO in India has been a vital part of the country’s health care system. Our healthcare NGO provides primary health care services to the rural and urban poor. It also provides direct medical relief during natural calamities like floods and earthquakes. Our healthcare NGO also works in close collaboration with the government to implement various health programs.